Service isn’t just what we do, it is who we are. Since our establishment, National Beta has encouraged and upheld the ideals of service within schools and communities as a way for clubs to demonstrate our motto: Let Us Lead By Serving Others. Encouraging community service within your club teaches members how to organize service projects, strengthens ties to the community, and emphasizes teamwork within the club.
Community Service
Service Ideas and Opportunities
- Club Service Projects
Members can work together to identify a need in their community before developing a service idea. Our Service Idea Guide can be a great tool when brainstorming project ideas that can be done in person or virtually with low cost. - National Level Service: Beta Serves Project
First introduced in 2022, this project is a national service project allowing Betas attending the National Convention to demonstrate our motto, “Let Us Lead By Serving Others.” The National Office highlights a need in the host city of each year’s National Convention and partners with local organizations to make the most impact. In 2022, the National Beta Community served those struggling with homelessness.- Details regarding Beta Serves are made available prior to the National Convention each year to provide time to plan and collect resources.
- Taking Service Statewide
State Officers work alongside their State Sponsor, State Sponsor-Elect, and State Councils to develop service projects that benefit a particular need in their state. These service projects are often enacted during each State Convention. Details about these services projects can be found on the State Convention webpages.

More Opportunities
Take a look at the other opportunities available for Beta members and sponsors.